
Tuesday 21 January 2014


I've always been quite a free spirit, the idea of being tied to one place or one thing doesn't really thrill me, still I get stuck in the rat race as much as the next person, there are a few things I like to be regular, my money (sigh) and of course my relationship with the most wonderful (and annoying) man, Daniel.

Over the past year or so I've been toying with the idea of moving to London for two reasons, one because there is a lot of opportunity and variety that would suit a personality like mine and two, because my best friend Bob lives down there. Bob or Daniel by his christened name is my absolute best friend in the entire world; I don’t think there’s anyone that quite knows me so well apart from obviously my lovely fiance.

I met Bob when I was very young growing up on Keswick road, it’s a time I remember fondly, a time when the days were warmer and sunnier, they were longer and so much fun. I was about ten years old and I was nearing the end of my Primary School time at Revoe (incidentally I live just round the corner from there now). Before I met Bob I met his brother Matthew, he had recently come to live in Blackpool with his family and was in the year below me.

My earliest memories of them were that I met Matthew one day in the playground out the front of Revoe School and Matthew seems to remember it more than I as apparently I taught him to swear! Matthew swears (forgive the pun) to this day that he remembers me saying ‘Everyone here swears,’ I then looked around to make sure no one could here then I said, ‘Fuck.’ As much as I search my memory for this I can’t recall it but I will certainly not call Matthew a liar as I was slightly mischievous in some respects when I was quite young. Aren’t we all?

It didn't take me long to find out that Matthew had moved in on the street next to mine, Westmorland and that our streets and backs of houses shared the same alleyway. I had returned from some sort of party that afternoon and had gone out in the alley to play wearing the attire from the party. Matthew had been playing out on a bike with one of his friends, Michael who lived a couple of doors down from him and I was taking pictures on a camera my mum and dad had given me which had a small amount of film left in it with which I used the last shots to take pictures of Matthew and Michael. That day I also met Bob for the first time.

I will spare you the details but when I saw Bob I experienced my first ever crush, it was like a whole new world had opened up for me (sorry Bob if you’re reading – which I know you will be – it’s very cringy). From the first day that I saw Bob leaning on that wall to see what his brother was up to, I feel like my childhood had properly started, we spent endless summers together and it was my entire world. The Sandford’s had come to town and I am thankful every day that they did.

Me, Bob, Matthew and of course not forgetting the lovely Christy, they were my adopted family. I am an only child, making my own fun and friends was never a problem for me but I do wonder what life growing up would have been like if it hadn’t been for those three being in it?

 I don’t think I would have experienced so many different worlds and adventures for sure, a few things wouldn’t have happened: I wouldn’t have been part of a world famous group called ‘Spice’ with several number one hits and albums released all around the world; I wouldn’t have gone to Jurassic Park and escaped the loose dinosaurs; Catman and The Riddler would have gotten away with everything; nobody would be alive or have saved the dog in the bathtub after the great Los Angeles earthquake and certainly the world would be in peril every day without its band of saviours The Power Rangers, Purple, Turquoise, Orange and Green.

Even when we grew up and Christy found her friends in high school as did Matthew, Bob had stopped playing out and I had seen my first boyfriend, Bob and I still remained so entirely young and stuck in those endless summer days. We’ve never changed, we still dream of those places, write our stories, draw our pictures and share our hopes and dreams for the future that seems so far away.

That back alley, as dirty, dark and lifeless as it seems now, all gated off, was our neverland and we were the children that never grew up. The girl in the monkey hat and flares and the boy with the curtains haircut and lumberjack shirts will live forever echoing through that place, their laughter still heard if you will only spend a while and listen.

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