
Monday 13 January 2014


I'm not the most mentally stable of minds. I think it has something, in part, to do with my grandma's Bipolar, I suppose there's a possibility that I might have a very mild, watered down version of it but I'll never be sure as I certainly don't want to  be tested for it and even if it turns out that I am, I won't take medication. If the body can't deal with it on its own then I believe you should never take medication, unless in extreme circumstances, like life threatening illness such as Diabetes etc.

I'm quite an emotional person, it really doesn't take much to set me off in a bad mood or a crying fit, but that's rare these days. I tend to notice my flip in moods more than I used to, maybe its just hormones or maybe its more deep seated but it certainly causes problems for me, even though you would never tell unless you were extremely close to me.

Daniel gets the brunt of it the most, because we spend most if not all or our time together. If we get stressed or grumpy from work we tend to bring it home with us and fuel each others fire; whereas I like to come in and do some cleaning before I can relax, Dan likes to comes in and go straight on his DJ decks to let off some steam. We tend to lock heads when we meet in the middle; he wants me to chillout and sit down whereas I want him to help me then relax. Its catch 22 but we work around it because we love each other.

Daniel and I have different views also on what 'relaxation' means. To Daniel, relaxation is spending endless hours mixing and scratching on his 1210's, making quite a bit of noise as I like to put it. I do, however, admit that he is incredibly good at his hobby and he would have no problem getting a job in a top club, which I think would be his dream job; that or working in Ibiza.

To me, relaxation is different, I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum. Its chilling out in the bath with candles, incense and a good book, or its having a cuddle with my babies on the bed listening to some chilled out movie soundtracks or the sounds of nature. Relaxation is a nice massage, or a walk down the beach just as the sun it setting. Guess I'm just a hopeless romantic.

Despite Daniel and I being at complete opposite polar ends it really does seem to work. Daniel is the voice and actions of our relationship, the thought and logic, the protector and the doer. I am the thinker, the love and care, the order and routine, I'm also the organiser, cleaner and bill payer ;)

Every day I'm trying to be a better and more understanding partner for Daniel, I admit his music choice is not my favourite but I do love his skill and passion for what he does and I think he feels the same back about me. I can do things that Daniel can't and he can do things that I can't. I suppose were both as intrigued and proud as the other of our different skills.

I love Daniel more than anything, I've had a string of failed relationships in the past. Jumping from one relationship to the next was not the best thing I've ever done. I wish that I could go back and stop myself and say, 'wait, just wait, he'll be along and he'll be all you ever need.' but then I remind myself that if I hadn't had the past that I did I would never have met him. All those messy series of events were leading right to him and we were the right people for each other at the right time...right? :)

I can see a lovely future for us both and we really don't have to try hard at all, our relationship is as easy as breathing, its perfect and I could never have wished for anyone who loves and cares for me so much. He's my imperfect Mr. Perfect and I love every single flaw. He's my Daniel and I'm his Shelle, and that's the way it will always be <3

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