
Wednesday 8 January 2014

New year, new start and all that shabang....

Not going to lie, this isn't the first time I've started an online blog and it probably won't be the last. They're probably scattered around the Internet like a series of bad exes waiting to turn up and dig up stuff I've tried hard to forget about - if you find any then let me know so that I can mentally prepare myself before I read them and hang my head in shame (or facepalm, they're probably very facepalm worthy). In fact this is probably going to turn into one of them....I'll find it twenty years or so down the line I wonder as to how much of a tool I was.

ANYWAY! I'm Michelle, or Shelle as most people might know me these days, I haven't been called Michelle since the days of my father back before I turned 18, so its just Shelle, with an e on the end (people often miss that and as much as I shouldn't care it still sometimes irritates - yes petty old me!).

I'm 30 years old but I really don't feel it at all apart from the times I look in the mirror after a hard day and recoil in horror at the black bags under my eyes and the pale ghostly expression, I'm afraid I'm no natural beauty without my makeup but I never kidded myself into that.

I live in the ground floor flat of an old Victorian house with my fiancee Daniel and my two babies Ville and Willow, of course they're not real children but my furbabies mean just the same, only that they're adopted...and cats ;)

I currently work in retail in the town centre but I'll leave my opinions of that for another day as there's way to many and I'll probably need to vent and regale my 'wonderful' tales back to you guys for your hilarity...eugh retail...*shudder*

A couple of nights a week I go to Karate and I'm looking to get as good as possible so that I might go in for tournament, I'm not really interested in coloured belts of winning trophies, its more of a test to myself and I do it mainly because it gives me enormous piece of mind and a sense of humility and respect, whenever I come home I always feel much calmer and my mind at rest.

The main thing that I really want to do with my life is write. I want nothing more to be an author. Again, this is not for money or fame its so that I can achieve something in my life, and that achievement is sharing my stories and imagination with the world. I have lands and people, places and tales all to be told but they're locked up in my head and I need to get them out!

I'm currently working on several novels each aimed at different audiences with different themes. I've got my cat books for children/young adults which are my pride and joy at the moment; my vampire novels for a more adult audience and also my Victorian murder mystery aimed for teenagers and up. So I've got plenty to keep my occupied!

Anyways, there's a brief outline of me and what seems to be a lot of one likes to listen to a bighead so I hope I've not come across as one and you keep following my...interesting?

1 comment:

  1. I'm a comic from Australia and Alana just posted me your writeup of her room, nice work man :)holy fuck I can't believe you write one (sometimes more?!) Post a day that's intense!
    If you want to see what the comedy scene is like in Australia, have a read of my last blog post, could be an interesting contrast haha
