
Thursday 9 January 2014


I've always had a larger connection with animals than humans. To this day I will still swear by the fact that in one of my past lives I must have definitely a cat.

Cats are my favourite animals, thought really I'd prefer to refer to the as equals than animals, as nutty as that sounds - I didn't get the crazy cat lady title for nothing. I've always had an affinity for the them and they seem to respond back when they see me, rarely a cat will dart away when I say 'hello', but when they do I don't take it too personally because there is a lot to be wary of in this world, especially humans.

My love of cats is pretty boundless and I would go as far as saying I much prefer the company of these wonderful creatures to some of the low life unintelligent scum that are clogging up this world. I'm not mad, I do enjoy the company of my friends but whereas before I used to have a huge circle of people I would hang out with, now I have whittled the group down to a mere ten or so of those that really mean something to me, that have stuck by me through thick and thin. Much like a cat, I base my friendships on trust and I've been taken for granted in the past so now I'm more cautious.

So what do I like about cats most? Well I would have to say their unconditional love and intelligence. Despite popular opinion, cats are very loving individuals and capable of incredibly amount of affection and loyalty.

Ville, for instance, my three and a half year old tabby is my absolute baby, my little boy; I found him abandoned by his mother in a garden up in Fleetwood, no one could catch him and the people who owned his mother back then said that if I could catch him I could have him, so I did. Ville would have died otherwise and I really couldn't let that happen. I get an awful terrible aching pain, like my heart is literally shattering and crushing whenever I hear of a cat or kitten being abandoned, not having a home or being ill or mistreated; I'm sure someone once said that I was empathetic.

So anyway, Ville came home with me, for the first two days he hid in the corner behind my computer having only known living in a garden for the first few weeks of his life. I tried to beckon him out with some food and water but he wasn't having any of it, in the end I just left him to make his own way to me. Sure enough the next day I was sat playing Final Fantasy and out of the corner of my eye I saw this tiny little grey bundle of fluff stood there looking up at me, he was just wobbling on the spot with his big eyes wondering where he was and needing reassurance, so I picked him up and gave him a stroke and a kiss and since that day he's never left my side. He drools a lot and his breathing is quite ragged from the time he spent living outside, he also likes to sit down like a human in our arm chairs; Ville might be getting older now but he really is such a big kid at heart, he loves to give me cuddles and play fetch with his squidgy bouncy balls, he really is my special boy.

About half a year or so later, my ex boyfriends mum had gotten a little black kitten to keep her older black cat company, it turned out that she was allergic to the little female kitten and so I decided to take on another bundle of fluff. Willow.

Willow is a completely different story, she's definitely her own cat, unlike Ville who needs to pampered and paid attention to all the time - much like my fiancee Daniel actually. Willow is a very quiet and reserved. When she spent her time at my exes family house, it seems like she spent most of her time trying to get out the way...I didn't really see her much before I took her on but when I did bring her back to the house she was terrified of everything, she wouldn't let anyone touch her and ran away when I so much as moved. I know now having split from my ex the his brothers and sister had not been the quietest and most conscientious of families, the children had had a tendency to be a little destructive and mean at times - as all children can be...I suppose. In short, Willow hadn't been loved correctly since birth.

It has taken me a few years to get Willow to settle, its been much like rehabilitating an adopted child, I had to spend a lot of time helping her be able to trust me. The biggest step was made when me ex and I split up, the house was a lot quieter and I had a lot more time for my babies. Willow had started to come out of her scatty nature, she would approach me and purr in a very adorable squeaky way; I always made a point of talking to her and I found it adorable when she started replying to my 'hello's' with 'eeeyoww' copy.

Nowadays Willow has a basket on the radiator, she absolutely loves the warmth and at night she will jump on the bed and squeak at me until I lift the duvet up and she can get in with me. I usually find myself waking up in the morning with both Ville and Willow cuddled up by my feet or spooning each other.

Ville and Willow weren't always friends, at the beginning when I first brought her home Ville really didn't like her and to this day he still gets very jealous when I give her a kiss and cuddle but now I regularly find them settled together for warmth or running round the house chasing each other. Getting a second cat was such a good idea - much to the dismay of my mother - they are incredibly good company for each other and I do feel that Ville, even though he loves his mummy, needed to have a fellow feline about plus I did Willow a huge favour and I know she's grateful everyday when she climbs on my chest in the evening and curls into the tiniest ball of fluff in the crook of my arm.

Yep, cats are absolutely fantastic in my eyes, I would have a hundred or more if I could! One day when I'm writing, I'll have a big cat sanctuary and I will take in and look after any cat that needs a loving home. I will, like I do now, continue to donate money to charities and make sure I offer as much help as possible. Please check out the Mann Cat Sanctuary in the Isle of Man if you get a chance, I donate monthly with as much as I can (they have a website with live webcams which is something amazing to watch - that's a hell of a lot of cats!).
Ville and Willow have been such a godsend to me, I cannot imagine a day without them. Recently I started writing a series of books based on them; I'm hoping to get these published at some point or another, so if you love cats, animals of every kind, mystery, fantasy and adventure then you will love these. One day when Willow and Ville are gone these books will still be here to immortalise them and let everyone know not only how much I mean to them but how much they mean to me, my little furbabies.

My family.

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