
Friday 10 January 2014


Money. Its not big, its not clever and its certainly not pretty to see people fighting over it.

Today I spent the good part of the morning and afternoon sat at home doing a bit of writing and pretty much just enjoying my home and the company of my two furbabies. I was pretty happy and content right here in my bubble, then I had to go into town, something I don't really like doing on my days off.

So I've come home more out of pocket than I intended to.

Me, Daniel (my fiancee) and two of my closest friends went to Pizza Hut as few days earlier they had come in offering everyone who worked in the town centre 25% off their meals so we thought this was a good idea. The food was alright as far as Pizza is concerned but the bill was quite a bit more than we intended so that wasn't good. We weren't going to argue the toss about it but I don't think we'll  be going back.

The taxi home was the shocker; we were originally going to get the bus but it meant a half an hour wait in the rain and cold so we decided on a C Cabs across the road. We don't live too far from the centre and thought he would be taking us down the promenade which gets us really close. Instead we got the scenic route ¬_______¬

He knew exactly what he was doing, it was a quiet night so he wanted a few extra bob...well, the who ordeal cost us triple what we normally pay.

The thing that bothered me was that neither myself or Daniel, who are both outspoken about things like that, didn't say a word to him, he took a wrong turn onto the wrong side of our street and said something then but we kept quiet about the rest. It annoyed us both immensely once inside but why didn't we say anything? Why were we happy to part with our hard earned cash to someone out for his own ends? Sure, he's probably got to make a living but now I've had enough of taxi companies. I'm buying myself a bus pass and that's one less regular customer to rely on.

Money, money, money, that's all people are interested in these days, it determines their whole life. How much have I got or not got compared to that person? Like its the whole essence of their being...

I hate money but unfortunately I'm stuck with it in the ratrace. I've been at both ends of the scale, I've been in debt without two pennies to rub together, borrowing it here there and everywhere just to get by and now I'm better off and I save because I don't ever want to end up like that again. I'm not tight with my money, I rarely buy anything for myself, I buy quite a bit for Daniel and treat my friends...I don't really need anything. I donate to charity too as I'd rather make someone else's life that much easier.

In the future I'm going to stay away from spending if I have to, its a route, I think, to unhappiness. All I need is a warm place to sleep at night, decent food in my stomach and cuddles from the people I love, which incidentally, are free! Well, just as long as I feed Daniel some cans of Monster and play fetch with my furbabies.

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