
Friday 10 January 2014


I realised last night that I'm a very bad mummy.

I was looking back over my facebook profile trying to trace back the birthdays (well the rough time around when they were born) only to find out that we'd been together longer than I expected. Ville will be six years old in June and Willow will follow him to that aged in December.

I will admit that I was more than a little bit upset. Time really does fly when you're having fun and me, Ville and Willow have had plenty of that! They're still my little babies and it seems to me like they're exactly the same age as they were when they were small. Nothing changes in out hearts. I'm sure we'll still have many many more years together but its just made me realise just how fleeting life really is.

This last year has gone incredibly quickly and it only seems like two minutes ago from the time I was in college. Everything from 2002 right up until now has gone through like a whirlwind and one I don't really remember much of.

When I think back of that time in between, it wasn't really filled with much at all but at the time it seemed like it had everything. Even though it has taught me a lot of lessons and made me a stronger, wiser person I would trade in all those parties and empty days of gaming and nothingness for my fiancee Daniel and my two babies.

I've never been happier than I am now. We make our own destinies and you must push yourself not to get stuck in the mundanity of life, there's a whole world out there with happiness and love that you could be missing out on because you're either to stubborn or too afraid to move from wherever you are.

Change something today, do something different. Call that family member you've fallen out with, apply for that dream job you wanted, move to a different place and escape the ratrace. Just do whatever you can to make yourself happy, because you might not have long left...

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