
Saturday 18 January 2014


A rainy Saturday morning in Blackpool and here I am suffering with what can only be described as, the flu from Hell. I've been wandering around like the walking dead since I woke up yesterday morning unable to breathe, swallow, speak or concentrate, fan-dabby-dosey!

I haven't been generally ill like this in quite a while actually, there was a time when I pretty much used to get a cold every week but since then I think I've had most of the various strains of the 'common cold' to sink the Titanic twice over again. However, when I do manage to get ill from flu or cold it always seems to be at its absolute and utter extremity and I sometimes find myself wondering, in the stupidest way, is this the one that's going to take me out? Men, you'll be able to relate, you guys and you're dreaded man flu...

No one likes to get ill, you'd have to be completely mad to enjoy this. I think Daniel seems to think I play it up to the max when I get ill so that'll I'll get love and affection but that would be a losing battle, Daniel has the sympathy Gordon Ramsey, none whatsoever. I try and get on with daily routine as much as possible but when your eyes are streaming and you can't stop sniveling and sneezing there's only so much you can do, I would recommend abstaining from any sort of DIY unless you want your house painted resembling something akin to Picasso.

I most likely caught this particular nuisance from being out in town the other night at the NWCC, probably one of the crowd or maybe even the, I know exactly who gave it to me, as he was suffering weeks before me, the bloody DJ my fiancee, damn you Daniel.

Daniel gets ill occasionally but he seems to have a better constitution than me in some respects, he suffers badly with his chest and asthma so that's always a problem when it hits him but it doesn't take him long to shift the whole thing, mostly he will sleep it all off whereas my body seems to absorb the whole thing like a sponge.

Anyway, I hate being ill so I'm going to finish this up for now and hunt down a fresh roll of tissue for Niagara falls, my nose :|

I'll post something worth a read when I can think more clearly, til then you'll probably just be reading snivel...I mean, drivel.

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